Hello and welcome. I am Darwino your drunken guide into the world that shivers just beyond the consciousness of your sober awareness.
I have been given the mission of bringing you the truth behind the origins of Fanny Bumper.
This is no easy task. And when I'm faced with things difficult--and things easy--I get loaded; actually, when my eyes are open, I am drunk: hence my name, Darwino.
My drunken saga is in the process of being digitized for global scandalization.
It all began with a rabbit. The rabbit's name was and is Thumper. Over time, and you'll see why shortly, he became known as Thumper the Fanny Bumper.
Enter your email below to be the first to know the story behind Fanny Bumper and the Thumperian Posse.
The story behind Fanny Bumper is complex as well as riveting. I will try and bring to light as much as possible, but sometimes, I must warn you, I break down into liquor induced babble.
Though, all BS spewing from Darwino's mouth is important.
So, when you think your ears are just picking up gibberish, rest assured that there is a method to Darwino's madness, which you will sense in patterns made apparent.
Invite friends using the link below. The more friends you invite, the better their chances of getting hip to the worldwide Thumperian Underground movement that is now forming as a result of your sharing of Darwino's revelations.
Full Fanny Bump story coming soon. Salud from Darwino I raise my fanny ferment to you and pass out.
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Darwino--the world's greatest storyteller that happens to always be drunk--will only use it to notify you of the launch of the Origins of Fanny Bumper Saga.
You'll have the opportunity to unsubscribe at any time, immediately, once you receive your first email.
For any questions or concerns, you can get in touch with the Thumperian Underground by emailing Thumper at this address: Thumper[at]fannybumper.com